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Drink coffee. Grow justice.

Just Haiti works in partnership with associations of small scale coffee farmers in Haiti and faith-based organizations in the United States to market Haitian coffee to consumers in the United States. We provide technical assistance, training, and a revolving no-interest loan fund.  Just Haiti's fair trade-plus model ensures that all profits from the sale of our coffee go directly to the growers.

Visit our 6 grower associations.


You, the consumer, are the most important part of Just Haiti's vision. The decisions you make every day about your purchases can make a fair and dignified income possible for Haiti's coffee growers. When you drink Just Haiti Coffee, you grow justice in Haiti.


On December 6th, Kim Lamberty (Just Haiti President), Steve Applegate (Just Haiti Board Member) and Ricky Aughenbaugh (Conscious Coffee Roaster) flew to Haiti to embark on an eight day trip.

They visited Port-au-Prince, Baraderes, Les Cayes, Leon and Ansedeno. Their mission was to visit, meet with some of Just Haiti's partner Associations.

JUST HAITI, Inc. is a faith-based, 501(c)3 nonprofit organization dedicated to an alternative way of doing business in which the wealth that is generated through Haitian resource development or the sale of Haitian products is retained by the producers in Haiti. JUST HAITI, Inc. focuses on the poorest communities of Haiti, transforming both the consumer and producer through a just and dignified relationship.

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